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My posts here are going to become *erratic* -- to put it mildly -- over the next week at least. Not only do I have loads left to do in order to be out of my studio by the 31st (not just packing and moving but finding a place for all this stuff) but there's always tons to do at home as well, as Oona has her good days and bad days, and C isn't feeling well with cold/flu. So it goes. I'll see you when I can.


  1. Me too friend, making posts at all in these times is just amazing. that's dedication or you :)

    get well family!

  2. Anonymous5:01 pm

    Hope C gets better soon! What's wrong with Oona?! :-( You can always pop by my blog and leave a comment or's fun cause I never know what you'll say! Take good care!

  3. Hi Sheri:

    Nothing's wrong with Oona, no worries. She's just a ... baby. Sleeping 20 hours one day...sleeping 3 the next. Eating like a little trooper one day, wanting nothing but Pizza Hut and Sleeman's the next. You know. A girl.


  4. Anonymous7:45 pm

    Oh good!!! She is so precious! They are such a little worry at that age. My daughter is so relaxed with her sweet Leander (Leo) and I'm a nervous wreck, we are not a good combination. Did you have to mention pizza?!

  5. I've become so erratic that I've read this post eight times before commenting, for no reason but for the fact I have a hard time getting on a real computer these days...

  6. 本当に出合える!出合い掲示板の決定版「LOVE-TREE BBS」へようこそ!友達を作りたい人や恋人募集中の人などが集まる当掲示板で理想のパートナーと愛の木を育ててみませんか?

  7. 自分のエロさってどのぐらいなんだろう?と思ったらHチェッカー!年始の期間限定で特別に診断結果に合わせて、異性を紹介するおまけつき!自分と同じぐらいHな異性と知り合えるのですぐに仲良くなれる!

  8. 逆援するなら絶対このサイトで間違いないよ!!!すげえ美人が凄い金額でお前の事買ってくれるぜ


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