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Showing posts from 2022

draw things, paint things, write things, make things ... number 265 ... the costume

The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently. — David Graeber Good morning, Every once in a blue moon I like to post a Tinyletter here, in this dusty, disused space, just in case someone happens by. Because, in many ways, things have not really changed. I am, as I often was when I wrote to this blog more frequently, still confused. And vaguely despairing. What, exactly, is happening? Why have airports become stations of anarchy, and why have airlines gone into the business of cancelling a third of the flights they’ve sold? Why are emergency rooms no-go zones, and how does a Western country in the modern world — one that largely defines itself by its universal healthcare — fall into failure when it comes to the simple arithmetic of providing enough doctors, nurses and beds? Certainly, let's blame the pandemic, even though the patient seems to have been sick for years. Some people answer that it&